Monday, 28 December 2009
Bob's Here!
I've not been too well for the past week or so - I think I can blame a dodgy burger that I had in a hotel restaurant. I've hardly been able to keep anything down since last Tuesday! This afternoon I was really bad, but I seem to be over the worst of it now and at the moment I'm feeling much better.
Work is coming along at the site and the team worked really hard making blocks on site.
We had a lovely Christmas day with the team first of all at King George then later at International Dove
Thursday, 10 December 2009
RIP Kiwi
Monday, 30 November 2009
In Between Teams
Monday, 23 November 2009
Hassan's Eye
Sunday, 22 November 2009
Saturday, 21 November 2009
Baby Margaret
Saturday, 14 November 2009
Digging In
Tuesday, 10 November 2009
Monday, 9 November 2009
The Team Have Arrived
Sunday, 8 November 2009
Mohamed's Hand
Friday, 6 November 2009
10% or 90%?
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Wednesday, 4 November 2009
Back in Sierra Leone......again
Friday, 30 October 2009
Start of a New Campaign
Wednesday, 28 October 2009
Ramatu 2009
She settled in there quicky - this photo was taken a week or so after she arrived.......that day was the first time I'd ever seen her smile!!
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Sponsorship Trip.....and getting ready to go back
I was told that the flooding was particularly bad this year, with people losing their lives in a landslide in Kissy Brook and also deaths relating to the flooding in Kroo Bay.
The trip to work on the child education sponsorship program went really well - while I was there I was able to arrange the schooling for over 40 children, as well as having uniforms made and providing shoes, schoolbags and school supplies for each child. This included the children of our Sierra Leonean staff, some of the children of staff at the City of Rest and some children from the area we work in in Kissy.
I have plenty more children who need sponsors - email me if you want more information!!
I'm going back over to Freetown in November as Country Manager for Mission the teams of short term volunteers who will come over between November and January. This time I'll have a lady called Jill working with me - she visited Sierra Leone on a short term trip in 2006.
We're having a 15 seater minibus shipped across for use in-country, and we still have the landcruiser - I don't know if the teams will be relieved or disappointed not to be crammed into a poda poda!
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Friday, 4 September 2009
Back to Blogging
I'm going over to Sierra Leone this weekend for a couple of weeks to set up a child sponsorship program that I've been working on. I'm matching up people in the UK and US who are willing to help with a child's schooling in Sierra Leone with children who need sponsors. If anyone who has been to Sierra Leone with Mission Direct wants to sponsor a child please contact me.
When I get back to the UK I'll be going straight from the airport to Center Parcs for a family holiday - we're all sad that my Dad won't be there with us this year, but we've decided to still go and have some family time.
Although I've not been there much I'm still enjoying living in Portsmouth. Just today I head a racket outside and when I went to investigate say the Red Arrows doing a display. I was able to watch it all from our roof terrace - I love living in the city as there is always something going on. Last weekend we went to a kite festival!!!
I've not got much news from SL.......Abu has a nasty wound on his head - he told me that he's fallen down but when I investigated further it turned out that he'd be trying to hit his friend but missed and headbutted the wall behind!! Maybe that'll make him think next time he gets it in mind to hit his friend!
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Thursday, 3 September 2009
He had struggled for a long time against his various illnesses.
My sister and I were with him when he slipped away peacefully.
I miss him so much.
Also posted at
Monday, 1 June 2009
Farewell to the final team
Saturday, 9 May 2009
More Goodbyes
We spent today at King Georges doing office work and sorting through the aid left by the team. I had promised to give one of the boys (Lamin) computer lessons which we started today - he'd never used a computer before, but he's picking it up really quickly so I don't think it'll be long before he gets the hang of it. By the end of the lesson he was getting used to the keyboard, had setup an email account and had sent his first ever email.
We have a few days work to prepare for the next team who arrive on 22nd May, and then Becky and I are going to take a couple of days off - we've not decided yet whether to go to the beach or to head off into the provinces.
Friday, 1 May 2009
Team 3....Margaret & Abu

Friday, 24 April 2009
Bye bye Brian
Monday, 13 April 2009
Quick update
Monday, 6 April 2009
Settling into Life in Freetown
The first few days were spent preparing for the first team, then a week after I arrived we went back over to the airport to pick the first team up.The trip didn't get off to a good start when we couldn't get their luggage to the hotel until the day after they arrived, but apart from that it was a good trip
I enjoyed getting to know everyone on the frst team and I've missed them since the returned to the UK last Wednesday.
While the team was here a young girl was bought to us who had been badly burnt by boiling water - we were able to get her taken to hospital and get treatment for the burns and I'm hoping to get an update on her from her Mum during the week. The girls name is Margaret and she is around three or maybe four years old.
Tuesday, 3 March 2009
Getting Organised / News from SL
Monday, 16 February 2009
Getting Ready for Sierra Leone.....Again
Wow, it's already halfway through February and less then 4 weeks until I go back to Sierra Leone again.......time is just flying by!
I'm going over to Freetown again on 15th March. Joining me on the Mission Direct in-country staff team will be Brian who I worked with over there at the end of last year and Tina, a new addition to the team. We'll have a week to settle in and get prepared for the 1st team who will arrive on 22nd March. During the time we're there we'll host 4 teams of volunteers who will each join us for just under two weeks. I will be staying in SL until the middle of June.
The next couple of week are prety much taken up with me getting ready for my trip. I can't remember which clothes I packed away and which I gave away just before I left Freetown in December - so I don't know what I need to buy clothes wise. I'm going to have a shopping day one day next week to try and get my clothes shopping done all on one go.
I've signed up for Weightwatchers Online who are giving a free two week trial at the moment. I lost a lot of weight with weightwatchers a few years back, so I know that it works. I'm hoping to lose about half a stone or so before I go away, which should be do-able in 4 weeks. I've put on weight since I left SL in December so I am bracing myself for the comments I'll get from our partners there: 'oh, haven't you got fat - you're even bigger than last time!!'. If I can lose a few pounds before I go I might not get quite so many comments!
The main project that we'll be working on during this outreach will be building the new centre for the City of Rest in Grafton. The City of Rest is a residential centre for people with drug/alcohol abuse issues or mental health problems. The teams in November started work on the site by helping to clear the land and making blocks for the perimeter wall.
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Thursday, 29 January 2009
Ramatu Update - December 2008

I was very shocked by the condition of Ramatu she is so underwight and malnourished. She is very weak and still unable to stand without assistance. She was being left to sleep on a bare concrete floor. I couldn't believe my ears when I was told that she wasn't being given food in case of her messing the floor.I spoke to Max last week - he has been to check on Ramatu recenty and told me that her mother is taking better care of har and is also selling some things in order to be able to get food for Ramatu. Max is going to keep me updated with her progress.
Thank you so much to the people whose kind donations allowed me to be able to buy a mattress for Ramatu as well as food and continuing medication
Monday, 12 January 2009
What does 2009 hold for me?
I've had a very pleasant start to the year - my Dad come to stay with us for a week over the new year period and since he went home I've been taking it easy. It was nice to be able to spend some time with my Dad, and because Bob hired a mobility scooter for him we were able to get out and about a bit..........Bob and I walked miles, trotting along beside that scooter!! On the last night Dad was here we went for a really nice Indian meal - we went to the Bombay Bay in Southsea Marina - I'd recommend it!!
I'm really enjoying living in the city and it's nice to have so much within walking distance. There are some local shops just down the road, but even the town centre is only about a 30 minute walk away.
We have quite a bit of work still to do on the house in Herts, but we're hoping to get it on the market and hopefully sold this year. I really don't enjoy house anymore and just want to be rid of it now.
I'm planning on going back to Sierra Leone in March as part of the in-country staff team with Mission Direct helping to run the teams of short term volunteers again. I'll be there for 12 weeks or so this time. I'll be there from March until June and Brian who I was there with in November will be there for the first couple of months. I'm waiting to hear who else will be on the staff team with us. There are 4 teams scheduled for the time that I'll be there - I know a quite a few of the people who will be coming on the teams, so it'll be great to spend time with them again and to get to know the people I don't know yet.
Until I go away I'm going to be taking it easy at home, enjoying the flat and taking my time to get ready for my trip.
I really don't know what I'll do when I get back to England in June - I don't know whether I'll be planning another trip overseas or if I'll spend some time in the UK and go back to work for a while's hard to make plans as I just don't know how I'll feel when I get back from Sierra Leone. With the kids over there that I take care of it'll be hard for me to spend too much time away from Freetown......and I'm still hopeful of getting Bob there one day.
So.....I have the first half of 2009 planned, but have no idea yet where the second half will take me - but I am looking forward to finding out!
Also posted at
Thursday, 8 January 2009
Happy New Year (I know it's a bit late!!)
I came back to the UK on 6th December and the following weekend Bob and I moved to a new flat in Southsea (which I am loving!). By the time we started to settle in Christmas had arrived - we had a quiet Christmas at home, just the two of us which was lovely. My Dad come to stay for a week over new year and he went back home this past Sunday - so I'm only just now catching up on everything.
I loved being in Sierra Leone again - it was hard work and very tiring, but I loved it! I lost my voice completely at one point - but glad to say it's back to normal again now! I enjoyed both of the teams of volunteers who came out during November - they started work on the new City of Rest site at Grafton and also cleaned and painted and the current City of Rest in town. The City of Rest is for people with drug, alcohol or mental health problems and it was good to be able to spend some more time there and get to know some of the residents.
One day a boy I'd not met before turned up and showed me his belly.....he's been bitten by a dog, so we got him to hospital and paid for rabies and tetanus jabs for him. About a week later he came again and he was burning up, crying and saying his head hurt. I was concerned that it was something to do with the dog bite and thought maybe we hadn't got him treatment in time, we got him back to the hospital again who diagnosed typhoid. By the time I left he was well on the road to recovery. Poor thing was really sick there for a while.
I had a really upsetting time with Abu - he got badly beaten by his uncle with a badly that we had to take him to hospital. He had an open wound on his head and a big swelling on his leg (I thought it might be broken, but it turned out not to be). Everyone was shocked by just how badly he'd been beaten. A few days later I found out that Abu was sleeping in the street - I guess because he was too scared to go home. Abu's teacher spoke to the family and the uncle came and apologised and has promised never to beat Abu again and Abu has agreed to sleep in the house. I really don't know that to do for him for the best but for now Abu's teacher is keeping an eye on him while I'm not there, and when I go back I'm going to look into finding somewhere else for him to live.....if that's what he wants. When I left he asked me to put him in my pocket and take him with me......
I hope everyone is having a happy, healthy new year and look forward to hearing what you've all been up to.