This is Mohamed, a couple of months ago he was playing with his friends when he fell into a fire. His hand was badly burnt - his index finger and middle finger are fused together and the next to smallest finger is fused to his palm. His whole hand is twisted inwards towards his wrist. His mother bought him to see me this afternoon as she'd been advised that he needs an operation to open up his hand. The operation would normally cost 600,000le (£100), but the hospital have agreed to take 400,000le (about £67) - this is still far more than his mother can afford, and this amount is just for the operation itself, the aftercare will be on top of that. The family have been trying to get the money together so that Mohamed can have his operation and one of their neighbours suggested I might be able to help. Luckily just before I left the UK a very kind couple gave me some £ to be used as and where I felt it would be of the best benefit, and I just knew when I saw Mohamed that the money should be used for his operation. We've arranged for the little boy to be taken to the hospital on Monday so that the operation can be arranged. Please pray for Mohamed as he goes for this operation.
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