I popped in to see how Ramatu is doing yesterday and it was like seeing a completely different girl! As I approached the house she was sitting outside in a wheelchair and as I got closer I could see straightaway that she was much better than when I saw her last week - she had a great big smile on her face!!
The change to her epilepsy medication means that her fits are under control again - both Ramatu and Melrose (the lady who runs the home) told me that she hadn't had a fit for 3 days. Her sores are healing up nicely and her strength is coming back.
Max, my friend who runs the Epilepsy Association for Sierra Leone, is going to monitor Ramatu and also contact a Sickle Cell Society to find out how she can be helped in that area and also to make sure that any treatment won't react badly with her epilepsy treatment
I'm thrilled that she is so much better and so thankful to Melrose for taking such good care of her.
Ramatu even told me yesterday that she wants to go back to school!!