He's such a sweet little boy - he's very quiet and hardly speaks, probably because he's in constant pain and discomfort with his eye.
We've had to take him back and forth to the hospital everyday this week, seeing the doctor, twice for scans and twice in the hope of getting the results, which are still not ready.......he's been so well behaved, hardly complaining except for when the pain gets too much.
He had chicken and chips for a treat and polished off the lot! There's nothing wrong with his appetite!
We appreciate all the prayers and positive thoughts being sent his way, please keep them coming. Also, a huge thank you to those who have sent donations towards his treatment.
Donations towards Marwan's treatment and care can be made either direct to the Transform Salone bank account or via our online giving pages here: Transform Salone's MyDonate Page or here: Transform Salone's give.net Page
*please note, Transform Salone is not yet registered to collect gift aid, but will be able to retrospectively collect the gift aid on any qualifying donations that we receive once the registration process is complete.