I spent a whole day at the hospital with this lovely lady this week. When she was picking up her grandson from school she was hit by an occada (a motorbike taxi). The driver just drove off, he didn't even stop to see if she was ok
Her grandson came and told me what had happened so we took her to hospital at Waterloo the next day.
The hospital doesn't have an x-ray machine, but the doctor was able to tell that the arm has two fractures and has put a cast on it- along with doing some very painful traction!
I'd thought that I would be just dropping her off and arranging the treatment, but the lady had other ideas - she was scared and wasn't going to stay at the hospital unless I stayed with her! The hospitals only doctor had an emergency operation to perform, so we ended up there the whole day!
I have no idea how old she is, and neither does she, but she is getting on in years. Please pray for a quick and full recovery for her. She is the sole carer for her grandson and does all the cooking and takes care of the house on her own.